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I believe that teleportation is a reality.

I believe that human is made-up of three components; the Mind (Spirit) which is invisible and intangible, the Submind (Soul) which is visible and intangible and the Body which is visible and tangible, each vibrating at a different energy level. The Mind commands the Body through the intermediary of the Submind.

I believe that the Mind has the capacity to convert the Body into invisible energy by causing it to vibrate at a higher energy level.

We do know that matter can be converted to invisible energy and invisible energy can be converted to matter and also that, the physical (visible) universe arises from the non-physical (invisible) universe.

So, the invisibility of the body makes teleportation possible, because it travels with the speed of light and no physical distance is cover.

I believe that this invisible body can have collision with a more higher energy which leads to an involuntary transformation into visibility.

This process of teleportation can be seen in the African context where, there is the notion of people; especially elderly persons, traveling invisibility using Sardine Cans and even having crashes just like airplanes. Also, others especially traditional doctors having the ability to disappear and appear from one place to another.

So, I believe that a human in a concentrated state, has the capacity using his mental power, to convert his physical Body into a non-physical Body.

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