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Major Challenges Faced by Bangem Community

Bangem is a small town in Cameroon, nestled in a valley about half-way up Mount Muanenguba. It is made up of a population of about 36,000 inhabitants. Bangem enjoys a cool comfortable climate and lots of rain. The dry season is short and lasts from November to March, and the rest of the year there are rains. The road network is deplorable and travel in the wet season can be slow and uncomfortable. Bangem has roads to Melong, Tombel and Nguti. Bangem is beautiful and has among the most touristic potential of any part of Cameroon. Currently there is a slightly developed touristic site at the twin crater lakes of Mount Muanenguba (about 10km uphill from Bangem) that is managed by the Bangem council. But other sites are equally interesting and beautiful, but more inaccessible. The nearby Bakossi National Park boasts of some of the most diverse rain forest, with exceptional species diversity of plants. Furthermore the park has chimpanzees and a large population of drills. Additionally, the nearby Bayang-Mbo Wildlife Sanctuary boasts of forest elephants, chimpanzees, pangolins and other interesting creatures. Bangem area also is home to many species of interesting birds, reptiles, amphibians and fishes.

Bangem is made up of the Bakossi people and it is called the main Bakossi land because the Kupe Muanenguba Division consist of 3 subdivisions which are Bangem and Tombel made up of Bakossi tribes, and Nguti made up of Basossi tribe. The Bakossi language is called Akoose and the Bakossi ditch is called Esubag, Xabongen and mpup; made up of mixed pounded cooked cocoyams and cassava, cooked grind leaves of cocoyam soup and fried grind dry plantains paste. The main activity carried out by the bangem people is farming in which they cultivate mostly cassava, cocoyam, plantain, maize, coffee and cocoa.

In spite of these natural features which make Bangem to have a very beautiful scenery, it is faced with many challenges especially those related to health facilities, transport facilities and unemployment opportunities.

Firstly, concerning the health facility challenges, Bangem is found in the sub-tropical region and the inhabitants here are vulnerable to many endemic diseases such as Malaria, Typhoid, Skin infections and a host of others. In response to this, some medical centers are put at the disposal of the rapid growing population but yet some other challenges do prevail such as; lack of proper medical equipments, well trained personnel, lack of good road network to reach the rural population; the outcome of which has led to a continues high death rate especially for children between 0 – 5 years. The increase in poverty rate is another phenomena which is hampering proper medical care and or treatment in this community. In other to improve on this situation, I propose that the government should provide them with these facilities which are lacking and also that Charitable Organizations should assist in providing health support to the people in the community.

Secondly, concerning the transportation facilities, Bangem in spite of its natural reliefs do have areas of passable roads. But these roads are not motorized due to lack of maintenance. In consequence of this, there are lack of good public transport vehicles and these makes the journey of persons moving in and out of the community a nightmare. So in improving this situation, I propose that funds should be raised by the Elites of the community, the Government and international organizations in motorizing these roads which will in turn results to the availability of good public transport vehicles and comfortable journeys.

Thirdly, concerning the unemployment challenges, Bangem is made up of a population of about 36,000 inhabitants in which a great percentage of the population is made up of the working age group. In this group, just a few have a job and the hosts of majority are unemployed. In consequence of this, there is high illiteracy rate due to lack of finances to pay for education and low standards of living due to lack of finances to provide for daily needs. So to improve this situation, I propose that since there are no jobs for them to be employed, financial aids should be given to these people so that they can open up little businesses that will provide them with finances in taking care of their families. Livelihood for alternative source of income should also be promulgated by national and international organizations especially within the growing youth population of all sex.

Bangem, being in Cameroon which is part of Africa do face many challenges that most of the African community faces. To overcome these challenges is not a single day or week or month or year’s job. But to do it, we have to begin somewhere and if my proposals can be put in consideration, I believe that with time, the challenges will be overcome.

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